End Citizens United

Washington isn't working.
Let's unrig the system
so it works for everyone.

Reform First 2020

Washington is broken. Americans know their government is working for big corporations and special interests and not for them. They want a president committed to cleaning up the corruption and unrigging the system so we can get things done and make the progressive change that America needs.

We won’t make progress on major issues like climate, gun safety, or health care without first passing bold and sweeping reform.

End Citizens United asked every candidate for President if they would make “comprehensive anti-corruption, money-in-politics, and voting rights reform legislation that is similar to or builds upon the For the People Act, the very first bill you send to Congress.”

These candidates have made that commitment, and we are launching the “Reform First” campaign to spotlight their pledge. You can read more about the candidates who’ve committed to making reform legislation their first bill below and help promote the Reform First movement by using the tools on this site to help spread the word or donate to their campaigns.

Read more about the Reform First campaign in The New York Times.